• TRU was established in 1970 as a public academic and Research University.
  • The University offers various outdoor adventures and cultural activities around its campus.
  • With 26,000 students on the campus, distance and online learning, the university provides 140 on-campus programs and 60 open learning programs.
  • Most students from are from China, India and Saudi Arabia with other 70 countries. 10% of the student population is international students.
  • 15,000+ International Alumni have graduated from TRU’s undergraduate, graduate and vocational training programs.
Application Fees: $100 CAD

Tuition Fees: $13,000 – $30,000 CAD Approx Annually


  • Master’s in Business Administration
  • Supply Chain Management
  • International Business
  • Finance
  • Human Resource Management
  • Marketing
  • Accounting
  • Environmental science
  • Tourism Management
  • Resort and Hotel Management
  • Environmental Economics and Management
  • Psychology
  • Journalism
  • Sports Event Management


  • Programs may vary according to the intake
  • Application Fees and Tuition Fees may vary as per the college’s rules and regulations
  • Please mention the desired program and intake in the application form